Hunter And The Snowman
30 Dec 2005, 7:51:35 am, posted by Derek
Over Thanksgiving, Hunter and I built a snowman in the backyard at the Ferbers. Hunter said he'd never built a snowman before, but regardless of the truth of that statement, we have a good time rolling snowballs to unmanageable size. Go see all the pictures at Flikr.
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Hunter Walkabout 10/04
10 Dec 2005, 6:09:56 pm, posted by Derek
Hunter went on a walkabout, too, around a month later. It was colder, wetter, and earlier in the day than the girls' walkabout. See it on Flikr.
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Girls On A Walk
10 Dec 2005, 5:21:26 pm, posted by Derek
In September 2004, the Girls and I went for a walk, so I could play with my camera and they could get out of the house. See the pictures over at Flikr
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