Our Ecosystims Are FInished!!!!!
30 Mar 2007, 7:52:35 am, posted by Destiny
Our ecosystims are finished and we put the pillbugs and crickets in.Almost everybody in my class was afraid of the crickets.My teacher (Mr.Wieser) asked everyone who was afraid of the crickets and everyone raised their hands exeped for me and two other boys.We each got three crickets and two pill bugs.We taped everything shut so nothing could get out.
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It's Been Raining Since Wendsday!
29 Mar 2007, 7:54:54 am, posted by Destiny
It's been raining since yesterday and since its spring I want to just go outside!!!All I can do is walk around the block when it is NOT raining.I wish it was summer,and I wish it wasn't raining.But thats just how life is.I hope it stops and the grass will grow green and flowers will bloom I wish it was nice out.
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Today We Get Our Pillbugs and Crickets!!
26 Mar 2007, 7:55:12 am, posted by Destiny
Today we get our pillbugs and crickets for our ecosystim and we already have our fish and snails and water and grass and mustard and alfalfa and elodea and duckweed and algae in our ecosystims all we need now is the bugs then we will look at how they are doing almost every day! (We are the rain I think.)And we get to bring them home after the year ends.
Talk to you tommorow!!!
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We Have Hunter At Our House All Week!!!
26 Mar 2007, 7:47:16 am, posted by Destiny
All week we will have Hunter at our house (And he might do some blogging too!) but he has a spring brake in Wisconsin all week and I have school so I don't get to see him all day,but I get to see him in the mornings and after school.Today is going to be a gteat day!!!!!!!!!
Talk to you tomorrow!!
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Illustration Friday: I Spy
25 Mar 2007, 10:20:00 am, posted by Hunter

(The Girls were doing their I Spy entries, and Hunter wanted to participate. What did he spy? Ween, our big dog.)
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Illustration Friday I Spy
25 Mar 2007, 8:57:04 am, posted by Destiny

A.J. has been going after this fly for days,but right now he's spying on it to kill it.
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Hi,it's Me Again!!!
24 Mar 2007, 6:40:28 pm, posted by Destiny
Today is very exhausting because like I said in another blog I wrote I said that we had to pick up my brother besides that I am exhausted because when we got home my sister argued with my parents and my brother wandered off to play basket ball in our basket ball court then after that we walked around the block and climbed on trees then we went inside and played for a while then we went to the store to get supper and went to another store to get the movie "Eregon" and went home I did chores and I mean III did the chores my btother didn't do chores when he always does when he visits don't you think thats not fair?!?!
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Today I went on a Short Trip
24 Mar 2007, 6:29:50 pm, posted by Destiny
Today I woke up at 6:00 in the morning because I had to go to Rogers to pick up my brother Hunter.We picked him up at Denny's,and we were there with Hunter,and my grandparents.We ate there and after an HOUR we left and wen't back home and guess what,he's going to be with us for a week!!
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Today I Got Snails, but Not Guppies
23 Mar 2007, 6:50:39 pm, posted by Destiny
I got snails today I was the first on to get a snail though because what happened was I was getting a dropper and there was a snail in the bucket so I said "Hey,There is a snail in there!"And I went to my desk with a dropper and feeding my plants while everyone was looking at the snail after a while the teacher gave the snail!
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What a Racket!!!!
23 Mar 2007, 6:40:11 pm, posted by Destiny
Tday it was about 6:30 I took the dogs out to go potty and of course they go potty so after that my dogs paws are muddy ( Ween is the dog.) so I take him up to the porch and I get a towel and wipe up all the mudd off his paws after at least 20 seconds my other dog (Tootles) starts barking at some squirrels so I have to chase after her for barking then Ween gets up when I told him to stay so I tell him to stay again then Tootles starts barking again so I have to hold her for a while and be close to her while wiping off Weens paws.
Thats my story.
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Today I am Sooo Exited!!!!
23 Mar 2007, 7:47:59 am, posted by Destiny
Today I am sooo exited and I am exited for two things 1: because my principial said that today will be a backwords hat day,2: my class room is getting our guppies and snails for our ecosystim!!!!Wouldn't you be exited too?
Talk to you tomorrow!!
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Yesterday (or last night.)
19 Mar 2007, 7:56:04 am, posted by Destiny
Yesterday was like a regular ordinary day exeped at 5:45 I left to go to something at my school it was called a mentor outing o.k,let me get this strait,mentors are people to just talk to and play games with you anyway,so I went to the mentor outing and at first we had to wait for everyone to get here and then after that we talked and had pizza and cookies and some other weired thing that the mentors would like best.After that we started making blankets not like sewing blankets there were just balankets around the floor everywhere and we all had a specific one ours had all these colerful cats on them so what we had to do was cut long strips on there but we couldn't cut the strips off then after that since there was to blankets (the colerful one on top and the solid one on the bottom) we had to cut both of them at the same time then after we were done cutting them on each side of the blanket we had to tie them together just like a shoe where we would tie just a double not.Then after our blankets were ALL done we put them somewhere then we played a little game we had to be with another group and one person had some sticky notes and would write an animal on each one and put one on your forhead and you would have to guess what animal it was then after that was a suprize the suprize was where our princeable would draw two names and they would win a certificet to a craft store and guess what I won one of those!!!!
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My Weekend
16 Mar 2007, 8:03:37 am, posted by Destiny
This last weekend (the weekend we just had) I had the stomach flu so what do you think I mostly did just hang around the house. (I was with my mom.) I am doing bettter now because of the medecines I took I have to go to school soon I might of got the flu from my sister because she was in the hospital because of it.
Talk to you tommorrow!!
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Hello again!!!
16 Mar 2007, 7:40:59 am, posted by Destiny
Hi,I am very exited because on the 27 I am going curling!!!And I'm exited about the ecosystim.School is going good so far and we only have THREE months of school left!Then it will be summer again!I can't wait until summer when you don't have to worry about homework,and school and all that sort of stuff.And maybe this summer I'll have six weeks with my mom and I hope I have time with my dad too.
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My Ecosystim
15 Mar 2007, 7:21:53 am, posted by Destiny
In school we are starting a ecosystim where we (my class) will have threee bottles and first thing we need to do is cut the bottles in three parts each then put them together in weird ways then on the top of where the bottles are we will grow grass.Then after the grass grows we will have pill bugs and crickets in the grass (and in the other things were growing but I forgot the names of those things.)and underneith that will be water then in the water will be seeweed and two little guppies and some snails.Iam sooo exited!!!
Talk to you tommorrow!!!
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Last Night
14 Mar 2007, 5:51:34 pm, posted by Destiny
Last night it was about 1:00 in the morning when I woke up hearing a sizzleing noise and I was to scared to see what it was so I just waited after three seconds the fire alarm went off!!!So now I had to get up and see what happend so my dad had to get up and fix whatever happened and he comes out in his under-pants seeing that there is a fire!!!It was only a little one though so my dad goes in the bathroom and comes out with a little cup full of water.After that my step-mom comes up stairs to see what happened because she heard the fire alarm go off.And after that were talking about what happened then I go back to bed my dad puts some cloths on then a few minuts later he tells me the fire men are going to come to check it out but of course my door has to be closed so they won't bother me (like they're going to bother me!) and I only here talking and after awhile I just doze off.
Talk to you tommorrow!
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Today is also a busy day.
11 Mar 2007, 8:56:02 am, posted by Destiny
Today is also a busy day because for lunch I go to my great grandmothers house and eat and play cards with everyone thats there. And I am going to maybe go to a couple stores.And I'll just relax.
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10 Mar 2007, 11:22:08 am, posted by Destiny

Poor Suzy!Suzy drank to much caffine because her mom gave her some and now Suzy's older sister is yelling at her mom and her mom doesn't know what to say.The reason I drew it for illustration friday was because my dad told me to and because I like to draw.
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Today's a Busy Day
9 Mar 2007, 10:43:57 am, posted by Destiny
Today's a busy day because when I woke up I woke up with my dad giving me a list of things so I actually found some time today to work on here.So what I'v mostly done this morning was wake up,get dressed,take out dogs,read a book do a review,read another book do another review check all those off my list go up stairs and just hang around my room and then come back down stairs take out dogs and write on my blog until 11:00.So I am going to have a busy day.I am going to have another list tommorrow so I can't wait until Sunday!!! I don't exactly LIKE doing the list thing,but I'll live.I'm not suffering or anything like that.
Talk to you tommorrow!!!
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7 Mar 2007, 7:44:10 am, posted by Destiny
Today I have to do things I usually have to do exept to cough,sneez,and sniffle all day and be very tired that's why you don't WANT to be sick you just want to skip school.On the 8th is a busy day for me because I have a concert on that day.And I hope I will not be sick.
Talk to you tommorrow!!
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I Have a Cold
6 Mar 2007, 5:59:14 pm, posted by Destiny
Today has been hard today because I have this huge cold and I have to sit out in gym and it's hard to play violin because I will cough while I am in the middle of a song.But besides that I am all good.Yesterday I was coughing alot too.Am I talking to much about a stupid cold????Sorry about that if I am.Instead of talking about a silly cold I have to get off this thing in like two min.
Talk to you tommorrow!
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Destiny Floor
5 Mar 2007, 3:47:41 pm, posted by Destiny
I have my own floor! Online theres a little thing that just talks about my floor its not really my floor I just like to call it that so anyhoo,they remember me!!They remember that my dad named the floor after me so what I'm going to do for them is go to a store and get them something like suckers or something like that.My dad named it that and it was an E-bay for a contest and he won.So I think it's cool.
Talk to you tommorrow!!
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There's School Today.
5 Mar 2007, 7:53:56 am, posted by Destiny
I'm a little sick but I'm not that sick so I have to go to school and I have to deal with it.But I have to go right now so I'll talk to you later!
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Today I am Sooo Tired!
2 Mar 2007, 1:15:11 pm, posted by Destiny
Today I an really tired because I have done alot since this morning because when my step mom(Deanna) woke up my dad was already at work so she said I could do some things I chose the one that she said that was were I would call some friends and since it's a snow day we would play in the snow so all of us were playing in the snow and we needed a shovel so I just went on the back porch and got a shovel for us and I could see the reason why my friend Jodi wanted the shovel most is because we were making a snow fort with it and because whenever someone threw a snowball at her ohhhh, they would get hit with a lot of snow, she would just shovel up some snow and put it all on top of you but no one really seemed to mind not even the one who got hit with all the snow!So every one wanted to go home and I went inside took off my boots and coat and ate a grilled cheese sandwich and took a nap and started on my blog when I woke up.
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Illustration Friday
2 Mar 2007, 8:35:24 am, posted by Destiny

Today I am doing this because it's fun and because my dad new that I like to draw and what it is it's a mouse thats hiding.
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Today We are Having a Snow Day!!!!
1 Mar 2007, 7:50:33 am, posted by Destiny
Today we are having a snow day but I don't know what to do.Probably just hang around the house and do whatever I want well...not WHATEVER I want just what I want to do.It will feel weird that It's Friday and there's no school when school was scheduled for today.I might take a nap today because I am sooo tired.And know I feel bad for both of my dogs because my big dog (Ween) can barely walk because the snow is up to his hip and my little dog (Tootles)can barely walk because the snow is as tall as her!(maybe even taller!)I got new shoes yesterday but they go up to my ankles so I can't where them outside and they were in the spring section so I just have to ware my boots.
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Today MIGHT Be a Snow Day!!!
1 Mar 2007, 7:36:06 am, posted by Destiny
Today I am writing on my blog and listening to the news and it sounds like I AM having school!All Fargo public schools are.I walk to school too.So I am THAT bummed out I am acually glad (a little bit.)that we will get school.I feel sooo bad for my little Cairn Terrier because of all of the snow that we have and she can barley walk out there she just has to walk in our other dogs foot prints (he's a mutt.)to go to the bathroom!
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